Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Rating Dominator - Make You Web Site Visitors Count!
Jason DeVelvis is a well-known and respected Internet Marketer, responsible for products like FlurryPop, a script that allows you to put your product over other people’s websites, and SaleFlurry – one of the premier Affiliate Networks. He also does Internet Marketing coaching.
ME: Jason, what is Web 2.0 all about?
JASON: Well, most people think it’s about AJAX, DHTML, Dynamic websites, Social Networking, things like that. But those are all byproducts of Web 2.0, not what it really is.
Web 2.0 is more of a paradigm shift – a change from “pushing” websites and content to visitors into “pulling” the content from them. Internet surfers don’t necessarily want to be just given information, but instead are looking for sites that allow them to participate. They want to get information from other people like themselves while making friends, forming relationships, and building a community. That’s Web 2.0 – and so many people are missing the boat.
ME: So static content sites are on the way out?
JASON: Nope, I don’t mean that, because content sites will always have a place on the web. Not all visitors are going to want to contribute, many will still just be looking for an answer to their question, or information on their topic. But why not let another one of your visitors give them that information?
ME: Ok, so how can Internet Marketers and webmasters take advantage of this on their websites?
JASON: In a number of ways, actually. But the easiest way is to give your users the opportunity to contribute to your site somehow. Put up a forum, or give them the ability to blog on your site, or throw up a blog and encourage them to comment, etc etc etc. Honestly, people like to tell people their opinions, and they’re generally willing to put those opinions out there for people to read.
ME: Is it really that easy? “Put up a forum”?
JASON: Haha, no. If you don’t have traffic to your site, you won’t be successful in getting your visitors to post and spend time there.
ME: So no “If you build it, they will come?”
JASON: Nope – that hasn’t worked since the mid 90s. Actually, I created my first affiliate site in 2001, and I thought that all I had to do was put up a site and people would just come to it. After about a month of work to get the site up (it was a sweet site, or so I thought) it took me about a week to realize that it was a bomb – big time – because I didn’t have any traffic. Then, I launched another site, and concentrated on getting people to it through any means that I could, and that’s when I started to see success with it.
When I got people to
1) come to my site
2) keep coming back to it
Coincidentally, that site went down within a few months because my hosting company at the time had a bandwidth limit and no way to upgrade the account, so they shut my site down when I hit that threshold. My lesson: make sure your hosting company will grow with your site :)
ME: Ok, then how do you recommend getting people to come to your site?
JASON: That’s an entire course in and of itself, and there are plenty of courses out there on it, but I’m a BIG fan of article marketing. But there are tons of ways to drive traffic – SEO, articles, AdWords, email lists, forum marketing, email signatures, JVs, and on and on and on…
But the REAL biggie is how to keep your visitors coming back! You don’t want to do all that work to get tons of traffic to your site just to have them give it a once over and then leave, never to return, do you? Nah, that’s leaving money on the table! So how do you keep people coming back? Give them a reason to. Plain and simple. If your site is an affiliate site, or a content site, or a plain old blog, you NEED to give them something to make them want to one, be there, and two, come back for more. My suggestion on doing it? Turn your site into a user-driven ratings/review site.
ME: Great advice. Any chance a ratings site will help with bringing new people in, too?
JASON: Well, I can’t say this 100% for sure, because I haven’t thoroughly tested it, but I’ve been noticing a HUGE upswing of reviews and review sites in the top 10 pages of Google. Any time I search for any kind of product, I almost immediately see a review listed in the top 10, frequently in the top 5! Now, that may just be coincidence, so take it with a grain of salt, but if other people’s review sites are making the top 10, can’t yours?
ME: Haha, well said. If I’m right, you just launched a script that allows you to easily create user-generated review sites, didn’t you?
JASON: Why else would I be raving about them? Just kidding – Yes, I did just release a Wordpress plugin that turns your blog into a Web 2.0 review machine. But this isn’t one of those “Hey, maybe this will sell well… I’ll create it and sell it to all these suckers” (actually, none of my products are) – I created it to run my own review sites and drive more profits. I created it as an income source, and it turned out very well. As I was creating it, I wondered if anyone else could make use of it. And I kid you not, the first 10 people I talked to about it thought it was AWESOME and they wanted to get their hands on it ASAP! I almost flipped – I only mentioned in in passing most of the time, and it quickly became the topic of conversation. I actually had to push up the launch because people were emailing me and almost begging me to release it. So I did :-)
ME: What’s so good about this product? Why should I use it?
JASON: Well, first of all, it’s easy to use – it runs on Wordpress, so it’s VERY easy to get set up. For those who aren’t very technological, or experienced with Wordpress, there are full, step-by-step help videos. Second, with the intrinsic Wordpress spam filtering, you don’t have to worry about getting your ratings site spammed like crazy from random spam bots.
But the most important thing is that it enables your visitors to give their opinion on products, ideas, blog posts, or whatever you want them to rate! You can use it for affiliate products, your own products, your rants and ramblings, ideas, blog posts, anything – so you’re not limited on how you can use it. And we all know how much people like to give their opinions, so you shouldn’t be short on user generated content for the search engines to eat up and keep the traffic coming.
ME: You haven’t given a URL yet, Jason…
JASON: Haha, that I haven’t. You can get your copy of Rating Dominator at
ME: Alright, thanks a lot Jason!
And for those of you reading this, what Jason didn’t mention was that Rating Dominator is FREE! Yeah, you don’t have to pay a dime - All you have to do is go to
Important leave you thoughts and share with the others!
Posted by Rod Wambold at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging With Others
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing – What’s your take on them?
Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing both can be used to build tremendous income from home. Both of these business models have proven them selves as profitable and worth the effort and time to develop them into your stay at home income generators.
Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing can also become very overwhelming with information. Often when we get involved into these areas we are not sure what direction we should follow. There are plenty of different directions to choose from. I know I have been down many of them roads.
That is why I have put my websites on the Internet for you to either get a great start in the correct direction if you are new to Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing. If you have been around for a while I want to also enlist you feed back here as well.
What is one of the biggest obstacles that you face in the process of marketing effectively online?
What would be the best information that you can use right now?
Where do you see your business on the net taking you in the near future?
Why are you involved with either Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing?
Ring out - post – be heard and share them thoughts?
You know I am compelled to ask for a couple of reasons here are 2.
I always am open to learning and understanding from others.
And I know that often our value is increased by the interaction with others.
Posted by Rod Wambold at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Michael's Traffic Videos What's You Take On Them?
Hey Everyone,
I’ve had a very interesting couple of days here. I have spent many hours watching Michael’s traffic videos & have even started implementing new techniques. I’m currently in the middle of writing a new press release about the effectiveness of these videos. I have found that these videos to be fantastic & really you would be crazy to pass them.
You can get access to them here.
I want to hear from you guys and gals.
Who have purchased it?
Who is on the fence?
Who has decided there not getting it?
Be sure to leave your comments & questions below.
If you’ve written a review post it.
If you’re in the middle of watching the videos, post your comments so far.
If you’re not getting the videos, let us know why.
If you’ve already implemented some techniques form the videos let us know how they worked.
Let us share with others how all of us are doing with or with out these videos.
I am absolutely pleased with them and can recommend them with confidence.
Posted by Rod Wambold at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Michael's Traffic Videos Here is my take - What's You Take On Them?
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Internet Marketing Traffic -Interview With A Traffic Expert
Michael Cheney Talks Traffic - Interview With A Traffic Expert
Michael Cheney, one of the most-respected names in Internet marketing, has been online since 1995 and is the man behind the 6-Figure launches of AdSense Videos and 11 Days To List Profits. He has unveiled a new videos product - Michael's" Traffic Videos which covers everything to do with traffic and comes with 100,000 instant ad credits and a tailored Fast-Track To Traffic Action Plan.
We managed to grab some time with him recently and quiz him on his favorite topic - traffic.
You'll get a lot out of this interview including a killer 40-page E-book on traffic that Michael has written to help you avoid the Top 20 Traffic Disasters!
So let's get started.
Q. Firstly Michael, thank you for joining us today in your busy schedule.
A. Hey no problem. Good to be here.
Q. We all know that traffic is important but could you just explain a bit about traffic for the beginners out there?
A. Sure. Traffic is the lifeblood of any business online. Without it you just die. We all know that. But what a lot of us don't realize is that just like everything else on the Internet traffic changes very quickly. That is, the methods of getting traffic are changing all the time and that's where people get caught out.
Q. What do you mean by "caught out"?
A. Well people fall into the trap of thinking that just because they know one or two traffic generation methods that they are some sort of traffic master. In reality just because you know how to start a pay per click campaign or a little bit about search engines doesn't make you anywhere near a traffic expert. I'm trying to spread the word that there is a massive array of traffic tactics that most people aren't even aware of, let alone using or mastering.
Q. Can you give us some examples?
A. Sure. Offline for example. You might immediately think that getting traffic is a purely online activity but the truth of the matter is that there are lots of things you can be doing offline to get people into your website. And it's usually these sorts of areas that are being under-utilized and therefore there is less competition for that traffic as well.
Q. So by offline you mean advertising offline?
A. Not necessarily. That is one method, yes, but I'm thinking of more creative ways to get people into your website. It all comes down to the fact that having asked people on my list it came as no surprise that most people want to know about free rather than paid traffic sources. I've had to become an expert in free ways of getting traffic in my time online.
Q. What do you mean - I thought you were running a successful online business with lots of cash flow?
A. I am. But it's not always been this way. When I first started out in 1995 I had nothing. No money to play with. Just my own initiative and imagination.
Q. So are you saying you're against paying for traffic online?
A. No. No I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is that, especially when you first start out, you always want to focus on the free methods. You get the traffic in for free, make some sales and then you can reinvest some of that money into paid methods of getting traffic. This speeds up the process.
Q. So what particular offline methods are you referring to - can you give us some examples?
A. There's one tactic I used that costs nothing to implement, is relatively quick and ended up getting me thousands and thousands of targeted visitors into my websites. When I've shared this tactic with other marketers at seminars they've started laughing and slapping their foreheads when they saw how easy it was. They were also embarrassed that they had failed to use this tactic. It was quite amusing.
Q. So are you going to tell us what this method is?
A. No! (laughs) It's in my course! I truly believe in rewarding those people that are most eager to learn so instead of giving away all my traffic tactics in interviews like this I've put some of them in an E-Book I've written. It is free though if people want to get it.
Q. So how can people get hold of it?
A. It's called "How To Avoid The Top 20 Traffic Disasters" and you can get it by going to Michael's" Traffic Videos - you'll see it mentioned on that page.
Q. What's in it?
A. Well I really wanted to raise the bar on a free E-Book so I spent a lot of time creating it. It's 40 pages long and stuffed with juicy content on what NOT to do when it comes to traffic. As far as I'm concerned too many people out there tell you what you should do but not what you shouldn't do. That's where this E-Book comes in.
Q. Okay. I think we're about done is there anything else you want to tell everyone?
A. Just that if they are serious about getting more traffic into their website they need to goto Michael's" Traffic Videos and get that free E-Book.
Q. Cool. Well thanks for your time Michael and speak to you soon.
A. My pleasure. We will speak soon.
Michael over delivers with this product you will get 100 X's its value. It doesn’t matter if you are new to Internet Marketing or a veteran you will get value Here.
Posted by Rod Wambold at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Wealth Building A Simple Mindset!
What a great day!
Here is a quote that I received from a friend of mine that really brings home a valuable point one that we all deserve to develop into our daily lives. Our POWERFUL daily power thinking don’t think small think BIG!
"What we really want to do is what we are
really meant to do. When we do what we are
meant to do, money comes to us, doors open
for us, we feel useful, and the work we
do feels like play to us."- Julia Cameron
Here are a couple of questions for you to ponder this week:
>>Are you doing what you are meant to do?
>>Does what you are doing now feel like work or play?
>>How can you make what you are doing now feel more like play?
You really deserve to get to a point that your day job is not that important. What do I mean? Well for the last couple of weeks I have not been working all that much at (my day job) what I use to need and count on for surviving. Well it’s not that important to me and my family anymore.
Why is that? Well I am glad you ask.
You see it all started the very moment that I looked into my 6 month baby boy’s eyes just before heading out to the airport. My day job has provided a great lifestyle for us but it did require me to travel frequently. I would get on a plane for the 1to 2 weeks. Generally I would be at home on the weekends. The weekend was mostly spent getting back in sync after being on the road.
Don’t take this wrong I am not complaining I am merely laying the ground word for that magic moment. That moment that put me on a path to share to become more and open up to the possibilities that we all have.
It all starts with that magic moment mine was looking into my boys eyes and knowing that there is more to chasing a paycheck. Sure it is moving away from our comfort zone stepping out and adventuring into a new area for most of us. Let me tell you that it is all worth it. My magic moment will always be with me in fact I revisit on a regular bases. I bring it to life often and my family and me will and are benefiting from it.
You see there are huge opportunities for anyone who has the desire and or need to develop there wealth. I know that money is not the master we are the master of our money and is simply a concept. We are the ones that decide what value money has. What we have been taught about money is not always correct. Do yourself a huge favor don’t agree with me totally on this, just agree that it could be possible that there is a better way to view the money concept.
To build wealth all you have to do is affirm that want more you deserve more. We all do deserve more correct. It is a simple decision one that will forever get you headed in the right direction.
We don’t need to be convinced that there is enough money to be made; just look around there is really an endless supply. We don’t need to be convinced that we can do it: there are endless stories of people going from poverty to wealth and individuals moving from there corporate JOB into their wealth. Oh by the way when these individuals do move into there wealth they are not limited by the boundaries of a company. They open up doors to a whole new and exciting world of possibilities. So the fact is there is plenty of money to go around and those who decide to will do it.
It all starts with a decision a simple decision.
Review the quote above find your magic moment bring it to life and decide to take action.
Become the master of your destiny, it’s a mindset and simple.
That is why I have started to live a life that I am able to develop my wealth.
I am also able to help other through Internet Marketing. I have put together a web site that is packed full of tools for Internet Marketers. These tools are the weapons of choice for the top earners in Internet Marketing. This is one of several sites that I own.
Do you want to master Internet Marketing and Earn Money Online?
Go here and take a look
Until next time,
Make It A Great Day!
Rod Wambold
Retire Rich – Retire Young – Retire Quickly
Posted by Rod Wambold at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
Starting Up The Blog Greetings To All
I feel that this will be a great adventure for us all. WOW hasn't the Internet really added to our ability to connect. I know that I am excited.
Going ahead and take a deep relaxing breath this is a place to connect and be empowered.
You know my theme of bigbankaccount is really a mindset to acquire more from life and by increasing your wealth we are able to see and do more. I feel and the majority of the people that I have spoken to about this agree that our entire focus should not be on just money. However I also know that we are meant to be prosperous creatures. And paying attention to you wealth building skills is in fact being a good master and manager of our talents.
In my adventures I use the Internet to generate a large portion of my income. Hence the blog to connect with you and the theme
So with that said enjoy and I do look forward to this adventure.
Let The Fun begin!
Posted by Rod Wambold at 10:01 AM 0 comments